The mission of the Central library is to support the educational and research programmes of the institute by providing physical and intellectual access to information, consistent with the present and the anticipated educational and research functions of the institute. In accordance with the objectives of the institute, the library aims to develop a comprehensive collection of documents useful for the faculty and the student of the institute.
Library Timing:-
Circulation Section
10:00 A.M to 05:00 P.M (Monday to Saturday)
Sundays & Holidays Closed
Reading Room Section
10:00 A.M to 05:00 P.M (Monday to Saturday)
Sundays & Holidays Closed
Photocopy Section
10:00 A.M to 05:00 P.M (Monday to Saturday)
Sundays & Holidays Closed
Digital Library Section
10:00 A.M to 05:00 P.M (Monday to Saturday)
Sundays & Holidays Closed )
General Rules:-
Membership: Student & staff of the Institute
Maximum 06 numbers of books will be issued to faculty members and 03 numbers of books will be issued to non-faculty staff for one semester only.
04 numbers of books will be issued Diploma students for 30 days only.
However, the same book can be renewed for another one month on the physical availability of books in the library
For issuing books from the library, the person concerned must come to the library personally. Books will not be issued to any other delegated person.
Borrowers must satisfy themselves about the physical condition of the books before borrowing
Reference books, rare books, periodical publications, syllabus, and newspapers are not issued on loan.
Reference Books & periodicals will be issued on special request after prior permission of respective HoD for overnight.
Damage books will be accepted back after its proper binding.
The loan may be terminated at any time by the order of librarian.
In the case of books lost by users, the latest edition of the same book is to be deposited in the library or else 1.5 times of the book value will be collected as fine. The fine will be deposited in the Account Section.
In the case of library cards lost by users, Rs 30/ (Thirty rupees) will be collected as fine. The fine will be deposited in the Account Section.
Features of Central Library:-
Separate Issue Section:
Central Library has a separate issue section as the second floor, which contains approx. 4500 books in various disciplines of engineering, sciences, and computer. The section opens from 10.00 am to 5.00 pm for every user (all working days).
Separate Reference Section & e-Library:
Central Library has a separate reference section on the second floor. The section opens from 10.00 am to 05.00 pm on working days. The section has 70 students seating capacity at a time. All these sections contain free internet surfing zone for e-books, e-journals & e-magazines access with 10 computers.
Library Automation Software:
Central Library has “KOHA”, Open Source Library Automation Software. Document transactions have been executed through bar code. Library has OPAC systems for the user's self-query and searches documents by author, title, and subject, etc. Users can access 24x7 library resources though the institute web site.
Print Journals & Magazines:
Central Library has 12 numbers of print National Journals and 07 Magazines in various disciplines.
Institutional Membership:-
1. National Digital Library
Issue and Return of Books
Issue and Return of Journals / Magazine
National Journals / Magazines available
Photo Copy Facility
Back Volume of Journals/Magazine
Question Paper available in past University Examination hard copy and online also.
Syllabus of all branches and semesters available
National (Daily / Weekly) English / Hindi Newspaper available
OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) 24x7
News Paper Clippings Services
Old project report available
Printout/ scanning/ CD /DAV writing facility available
Internet Access facility available.
NPTEL Video lecture available in various discipline/ courses
SWAYAM - NPTEL Activity:-
We encourage our students and staff to enroll in SWAYAM online courses, our institute has established SWAYAM - NPTEL Local Chapter.
Our Single Point of Contact (SPOC) Mr. Suresh Harmukh (Librarian), takes care of all the latest NPTEL program to disseminate among the students & staff members.
Rules for using Digital Library:-
Always ensure the use of the digital library with a valid ID card.
Maintain silence while working in the Digital Library.
Each user is allowed only for one hour for computer use in Digital Library.
Keep your mobile switch off or in vibration mode. Do not use a mobile phone inside the
Digital Library.
Do not share a Digital Library computer with any other peripheral system or computer.
Do not change any of the computer configurations.
Do not download/ install any software from any website
In case of any computer operational or access problem, report to the Librarian.
Internet and intranet access is limited to academic pursuit only i.e. online databases/ e-journals/ institutewebsites/ Library OPAC / National Digital Library (NDL)/ Swayam- NPTEL web course/ Open source educational sites.
Users are required to create a folder on the desktop to store the downloaded document temporarily and then transfer the same to own storage devices.
Access to Facebook, google talks, online chatting & downloading MP3, MP4 is not allowed in the Digital Library.
Our Team
Contact details
Area of Specialisation/Interest

Mr.Suresh Harmukh
M.A. M. Lib. I. Sc, PGDCA
20 yrs
harmukh70@gmail.com/ 7587722670
Library automation & Digitization

Mr. Sharad Deshmukh
Library Attendant
09 yrs.